Another coldish start to August with today's mean temp currently sitting at 16.2 and looks like the high temp for the day has been and gone. Last night it actually got down to 12.6. It's interesting too see how August pans out because it's definiately no longer the month when summer goes out with a bang. 
Pavan and I went for a walk today through the woods, there were blackberry's every where. They were good to eat although Pavan thought it was just as much fun to squash as many as possible and end up with bright purple hands.
The plums where ready for harvest.
At one point it really looked like rain but the clouds passed to the east of us
a lot of wild flowers were still in bloom
Cliffe Woods looked the same as always, we went hunting for bugs and overturned a few logs but didn't find much. Pavan was more interested in tarantulas and red fire ants than little beetles!
The plums where ready for harvest.
At one point it really looked like rain but the clouds passed to the east of us
a lot of wild flowers were still in bloom
Great pictures Gav, the clouds are superb and your plums nice and purple.