Wednesday, 1 December 2010

November stats


November turned out really cold, with my mean average at 6.3 compared to an average of the last 5 years of nearly 2 degrees lower than average. This is even more amzing when the beginning of the month was so warm. On the 4th November we had a high of 18.1 degrees and a mean 15.7, 18.1 is the highest temperature recorded in November - A RECORD HIGH TEMP FOR NOVEMBER

I also recorded my first ice day since I started to record weather data in 2005. These meant the temperature did not go above zero all day! - RECORD MONTH NUMBER 2!!


Rain was low as well with on 38mm of rain compared to an average of 72mm for November. 2005 was a cold november and there was on 22mm of rain, so there may be a pattern here?


Finally November was the month of high winds, I had a 44 mph gust on 11th November 2010 with an average windspeed of 9.5. I have only seen winds greater than this twice since 2005. This was on the 18th Jan 2005 where there was a 45 MPH gust and average winds of 10.2 MPH. The other was the 27th March 2006 where there was a 45 MPH gust and an average of 16.2.

So nearly a record but not quite... now what will December bring?


My only prediction is it's going to stay cold all month but will it be a record breaking month?

My average mean temperature for December over the last 5 years is 5.2 degrees with last year at 4 degrees so I think it will around the 4 to 5 degree mark. I cannot see how it can fall below 4 degrees but we'll wait and see. The models are changing all the time but I think it will stay cold.

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