Sunday, 12 December 2010

Weekly update

Another cold week, with a couple of mild days - Friday and Saturday. Actually yesterday was the warmest 11th December we have had since 2005. It's turned cold again today with temps below zero and quite a hard frost this morning. You can see the above average 11th in the graph below.

Next week is going to be very interesting, will it snow or won't it? I think it's a given for North England and Scotland.

There is some snow on the charts from Tuesday (Blue stars on the map below) and the Met office is forecasting kent and London to have snow by Thursday evening, How much and for how long is going to be hard to work out

One thing for sure though, it will be cold all the way through until Xmas day and we should set some cold temperature records.

This year the mean Temp for Dec is 0.3 degrees, the average of the last 6 years is 4.7. This is a significant drop. So far for 2010 the Mean Temp is 1.2 degrees lower than the average of the last 5.1 years. This is significant, they say bad winters come in threes, is this the case or is this a start of the UK cooling down. I know the mean temps for the world is still increasing but there will be variations and ours could mean we get colder, especially with the Gulf stream stagnant, the sun activity at it's lowest and volcanic eruptions.

We'll see how the next 2.5 months pan out before we start beleiving the Mayans!!


  1. Great blog update Gav, interesting stats as usual, like the way you've nicked some stuff from weather geek uk but don't quite know where the Mayans bit come from!

  2. 2012 - end of the world - Doomsday scenario with a new ice age!!

  3. Omg! You DO have too much time on your hands!
